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General Rules
  • Please be respectful to opposing teams, coaches, fans, and umpires.

  • Metal Cleats are only allowed for 13U-17U 

  • No metal cleats allowed for ages 7U-12U 

  • All discretional calls on the field are final. In the event there is a rule interpretation, the clock should be paused and the head coach should consult with the tournament director that is on site. All decisions made by the tournament director are final.

  • No seeds or gum allowed as all of the complexes where we host tournaments have turf fields.

  • Teams caught with sunflowers seeds or gum could result in forfeiture of the game.

  • Admission Fees: Admission fees vary based on the length of the tournament.

  • During pool play, home teams will be determined by a coin flip. The team that traveled the furthest will call the coin flip.

  • Teams will occupy dugouts on a first come, first serve basis.

  • No infield practice will be permitted. Teams may play catch and hit wiffle balls in the outfield if time allows. Do not hit or throw balls into the fences.

  • Pitching restrictions - We do not monitor pitch counts or have pitching restrictions. That said, we recommend that all coaches adhere to the Smart Pitch guidelines provided by USA Baseball. Guidelines can be found at...

  • Catchers may use a 2-piece helmet/mask at their own risk.

  • Slash Bunts are NOT ALLOWED at any time in any age level. Batter will be deemed out if attempted. 

  • If we have a safety bag, the entire safety bag is considered the bag. So if the first baseman is on the orange part of the bag, it is still considered the bag. That said, the orange part if the bag is still in foul territory.

  • f your player hits a homerun and it is their first ever homerun they are allowed to keep the ball. If any other player keeps a ball your team is responsible for throwing in a playable

  • Both head coaches will need to sign the scorecard presented by the umpire at the end of the game

    • Should the scorecard not be signed by either head coach the final score of the game will be based off the scorecard turned in from the umpire​


Game Length 
  • Games will be 6 innings in length.

  • Game time starts when the first warm up pitch is thrown.

  • 1 hour 40 minute time limit with no new inning starting after 1 hour 40 minutes. A new inning is considered started as soon as the 3rd out of the previous inning is recorded.

  • Time limit is in effect for all games excluding the championship game. 

  • Pool play games can end in a tie - If the game is tied after the time limit, it will end in a tie. The inning being played at the expiration of time will still be completed. (For example, time expires in the top of the 6th and the game is tied, the 6th inning will still be completed.) If the game is tied when regular innings have been completed, but there is still time remaining, we will use the following rule for every 1/2 inning until there is a winner or time expires.

  • Each batter will start with a 1-1 count

  • The last batted out will start on 2nd base

  • The inning will start with 1 out

  • There are no ties allowed in bracket play. After the expiration of the time limit in bracket play, we will use the following rule for every 1⁄2 inning until a winner is determined...

  • Each batter will start with a 1-1 count

  • The last batted out will start on 2nd base

  • The inning will start with 1 out

  • Run Rules - 15 runs after 3 innings, 10 runs after 4 innings, 8 runs after 5 innings. Run rules are in effect for all games including championship games.

  • Tournament directors reserve the right to modify the number of games, length of games, or time limit on games as necessary due to weather, field conditions or any other scheduling issues.

  • Games can start up to 45 minutes early depending on how the tournament is going. All teams should be onsite and ready to play up to 45 minutes before their scheduled game time.


Score Report
  • Home teams are required to submit a final scorecard signed by the coach to their umpire to verify the score.

  • If a team fails to turn in the scorecard within 30 minutes of the end of the game, we will go off the score submitted by the opposing team.

  • Tie Breakers and Bracket Play

  • Tie Breakers - If a tie breaker is needed, the following tie breakers will be used in this order...

  • Overall Record

  • Head to Head (2 teams only)

  • If more than one team are tied in the record column regardless of head to head competition it will automatically revert to the next scheduled tie breaker 

  • Runs allowed

  • Runs scored

  • Coin flip

  • Pool play games will be used to determine final seeding for bracket play.

  • Higher seed will be the home team.

  • Rosters / Waivers
  • If a player that has not completed a waiver is found to be playing in a game, that game will be forfeited.

  • Age cutoff for each age division is April 30th. For example, a player turns 13 on or after May 1st, they are eligible for 12U.

  • Please be sure to have birth certificates of all players as they may be requested by opposing teams.

  • If a coach would like to challenge the eligibility of an opposing player, they will need to make a written request to the tournament director along with a $200 challenge deposit at least 60 minutes prior to the player’s next game. The tournament director will then review the challenge and if a player is ruled eligible, the $200 challenge deposit will be forfeited. If the player is ruled ineligible, the $200 challenge deposit will be returned.


Batting Order / Substitutions
  • Teams must start a game with at least 8 players in uniform and on their roster.

  • If a team plays with less than 9 players, the ninth spot will be recorded as an automatic out.

  • If a team is down to 7 players or less, they will forfeit and the score will be 6-0 for seeding purposes.

  • If a player arrives late, they may be added to the order in the last spot.

  • Courtesy runners

  • Are allowed at any time for the catcher of record. The courtesy runner shall be the last batted out unless you are not using a continuous batting order and have a legal substitute on the bench. If a catcher reaches base in the first inning and no outs have been recorded, the catcher will remain on base until an out is recorded.

  • Batting Order

  • Continuous Batting Order - All players bat, free defensive substitutions for all players. A player arriving late must be listed on the lineup card and can be entered at the bottom of order when they arrive.

  • Extra Hitter - 10 players are listed in the batting order and these 10 players can be substituted freely on defense. DH and EH are allowed. All other players are subs and subject to NFHS substitution rules.

  • Nine Hitters - 9 players are listed in the batting order. DH is allowed. All other players are subs and are subject to NFHS substitution rules.

  • Injuries

  • If a player becomes injured (umpire has final decision as to whether or not a player sustained an injury) and is not able to play, their spot in the batting may be skipped and will not result in an out.

  • Once a player misses an at bat due to injury, they must be done for the remainder of that game.

Bat Restrictions
  • 8U-12U

  • 1.15 BPF Stamp or USA Baseball Stamp

  • No other restrictions

  • 13U

  • 1.15 BPF Stamp or USA Baseball Stamp

  • Maximum of -8 length to weight ratio 

  • 14U 

  • 1.15 BPF Stamp or USA Baseball Stamp

  • Maximum of -5 length to weight ratio

  • 15-17U

  • Must be NHSF approved with the appropriate BBCOR certification

  • Illegal Bat Penalty

  • It is the responsibility of each team’s head coach to monitor bats that are in play. If a player uses an illegal bat. The umpire must be notified prior to the first pitch of the next batter or before all defensive players leave fair territory.

  • If the bat is found illegal, the batter will be ruled out and runners will not be allowed to advance.

  • If a team has three illegal bat rules infractions the Head Coach will be ejected for the rest of the tournament.


Age Specific Rules 

  • 9U

  • There are no leadoffs and players must wait for the ball to cross the plate before stealing. If a player leaves early and the ball is put in play and results in an out, the play stands. If a player leaves early and the ball is put in play and does not result in an out, it is a dead ball and the player returns to the base. If a player leaves the base early two times in one inning, the runner is out.

  • A runner can score from third base on a batted ball, a walk, a hit by pitch, pass ball, or if a play is made upon the runner...for example, the catcher tries to pick the runner off third base.

  • A runner who is stealing 3rd base may advance to home on an overthrow off third base.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

  • 7U

  • No Advancement on Walks. On walks, in the U7 League, the Batter/Runner (B/R) may not advance to second base if the catcher returns the ball directly to the pitcher and the pitcher is on the rubber. The B/R is only protected, by virtue of the walk, to first base. If the B/R is off the base or running to second while the pitcher has the ball and is on the rubber, the B/R will be called out. If there is a play on another runner or there is a pass ball, then the ball is live and the B/R and all other runners may advance at their own risk.

  • There are no leadoffs and players must wait for the ball to cross the plate before stealing. If a player leaves early and the ball is put in play and results in an out, the play stands. If a player leaves early and the ball is put in play and does not result in an out, it is a dead ball and the player returns to the base. If a player leaves the base early two times in one inning, the runner is out.

  • A runner can score from third base on a batted ball, a walk, a hit by pitch

  • 7U & 8U

  • 7U & 8U is KID PITCH there will be NO coach pitch.

Rules and Regulations
  • If a coach is ejected from a game, they will be done for the entirety of the tournament. Any coach ejected will owe a $100 fine to Kali Sports. This fine must be turned in to play your next game. Tournament director reserves the right to remove any coach from a game and suspend the coach for the remainder of the tournament.

  • If a player is ejected from a game, they will also be suspended for the next game. If the team is batting the entire lineup or has no substitutes available, the ejected player will remain in the batting order and an out will be recorded when the batting order reaches that player.


Game Canceled Due to Weather or Field Conditions

  • If a game is canceled due to weather, field conditions or other issue that prevents the game from being completed the following will constitute a complete game:

  • 3 innings or 2 1⁄2 inning (if home team is winning) complete

  • If 3 innings or 2 1⁄2 innings (if the home team is not winning) are not complete, the game will be suspended and picked up where left off or may be canceled by the tournament director.

  • If a game (including the championship game) is not completed due to weather or field conditions, the winner will be determined by the score at the end of the last completed inning. If the score was tied or no innings were completed, the higher seed will be determined the winner.

  • Refund Policy 

  • If 0 games are played, you will receive 100% credit towards a 2024 or 2025 Kali Sports Tournament

  • If 1 game is played, you will receive 50% credit towards a 2024 or 2025 Kali Sports Tournament

  • If a 2nd game is started but not finished, you will receive 25% credit towards a 2024 or 2025 Kali Sports Tournament

  • If 2 or more games are completed, there will be no credit issued.

  • There will be no refund of gate fees under any circumstances


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